All illusive wheel drops will only be released in small quantities. We have no plans on remaking the same looking graphic or packaging twice. While looking to the future we take inspiration from the past and anything that coincides with extreme sports. being a sucker for 90’s skating nostalgia I am always reminded of a time that not only was it exciting to see what wheel was being released but what packaging it was going to come in. A quality product that has graphics you can vibe with and packaging that can spark some nostalgia is what illusive brand is all about.
Growing up and skating in the 90’s I was lucky enough to see a strong rollerblading scene that had brands dedicated to pushing boundaries and really giving back to their team and the sport which is why one of the main things I wanted to focus on as a brand was supporting a solid team and the rollerblading scene as best I could. As a team we decided that the best way to do this is to not take a share in any of the profits made from team products but to pool them together and use them for events, skate meets and anything else the illusive team decides is a great way to support the scene and further what we do. So when purchasing any team product know that your support for our brand goes directly to supporting our team and rollerblading.
If you would like to further support illusive brand you can do so by following us on our socials @illusive__brand or following our team. Adam Davidson, Chris Pullar, James Mcerlain, Martin Gade, Rob Kellett and Mike Rampant